April 10: HOA Board Meeting

Join your neighbors at our April board meeting where we’ll discuss some upcoming construction, maintenance projects, and Spring Cleanup.

When: April 10, 7:00 PM

Where: 5851 Virgil Court


New business

  • Approval of minutes from prior meeting March 13, 2024

  • Amara Meier from Jeffco Open Space will provide updates on the planned trail and anticipated construction schedule that will be passing south of our open space.

Old business - Last Meeting Follow-up

  • If Mr Jones attends - continued proposal and discussion for 5945 Easement

  • Discuss what needs to be done on Spring Cleanup - May 4 or May 18, 2024.

  • Do we need to order supplies and if so, what and from whom? Should have updated budget to plan for upcoming projects.

  • Update re: Weed Wrangers whom sprayed on 4-4-2024.

  • Update from Julia re: e-mail for HOA - when can we expect this as we continue to use our personal e-mails for HOA business.

  • Update from Julia re: Website back-up: status of getting Terese set up to assist.

  • If we have bids from Skyhigh Tree Service to clean the creek out, will review and discuss.

Public Comments



May 4: Neighborhood Cleanup


Feb 21: Meet the new Board!