Resources for Residents
Meeting Schedule
Find our current year meeting schedule here.
As a community, The Trails offers a number of services to residents:
Garbage Collection
Our trash and recycling removal service is provided by Waste Management.
Trash picked up occurs every Wednesday, and residents are encouraged to have trash cans at the curb by 6:00 am.
Tips: All trash must be contained within your provided trash can in order to be collected. If garbage collectors miss your house, you can contact WM to set up a make-up collection (they call it a recovery). If you lose a trash can, need a new one, or wish to get rid of one, WM can also get you set up.
Note: If a scheduled collection day falls on a holiday or the day after, collection will be delayed one day.
Recycling Collection
Recycling is picked up every other week on Wednesday, and residents are encouraged to have their bins at the curb by 6:00 am. All recyclables must be contained within your provided bin in order to be collected.
Tips: Got a ton of cardboard to recycle? Cardboard that doesn’t fit into your bin can be broken down flat, stacked, bound with twine, and placed next to your bin for collection.
Not sure what you can recycle? WM has some great tips!
Composting Collection
At this time, The Trails does not have a compost haul-away partner. If you wish to pursue compost collection and know of a vendor who services our area, please let us know.
Branch mulching
There are two locations within the neighborhood where branches from residential yard clean-up can be dropped off for mulching. It is very important that other yard waste (grass & leaves), trash, and pet waste are NOT left in these piles. The presence of non-branch contamination makes it impossible to mulch the branches.
Neighborhood Cleanup
Thank you to the volunteers from 23 homes on May 4, 2024! It was a beautiful day and excellent turn-out for the neighborhood.
Check back for the Fall 2024 Cleanup date
Annual Cookout
Coming Soon August 2024
Home Improvements
As you may know, all neighbors in The Trails agree to live within a set of guidelines established at the formation of the community and intended to preserve quality of life and property values for everyone. (Those covenants can be found in their entirety here.) For convenience, here is a summary of the covenants that pertain to home improvement projects:
When adding buildings, fences, walls, or other exterior structures, you’ll need to share plans with the Board and have them approved before you proceed. You’ll also be asked to run your plans past your adjacent neighbors for their approval. The board will keep the approved plans on file.
If you wish to perform landscaping any unimproved lot, you’ll need to share plans with the Board and receive approval. The Board reserves the right to refuse to approve plans in which the specifications, grading, landscaping plans, or building improvements are not suitable or desirable in the board’s opinion. (Article VII, Section 5)
The covenants prohibit radio, short wave, television and other types of antennas, and roof-top air conditioners or heating or cooling systems unless approved by the Architectural Control Committee. (Article VII, Section 12)
Trash containers must be concealed from view by an enclosure approved by the Architectural Control Committee. (Article VII, Section 13)
Clotheslines, equipment, garbage cans, service yards, wood piles or storage piles should be obscured from view by adequate planting or fencing that conceals them from the view of neighboring residences and streets. (Article VII, Section 15)
No temporary house, trailer, tent or other out-building shall be placed on any lot,(Article VII, Section 16). Campers, mobile homes, trailers or other similar recreational equipment can only be kept on the property when they are obscured by a fence or garage designed to conceal them that has been approved by the Board. (Article VII, Section 19)
No exterior fires shall be permitted except for barbecue fires contained within receptacles designated for that use. No coal or other type of fuel which gives off smoke, excepting wood and charcoal, shall be used for heating, cooking or any other purpose within a Lot unless approved by the Board. (Article VII, Section 21)
While cows, pigs, chickens, poultry, rabbits, or other livestock are technically prohibited by the covenants, domestic household pets are welcome. The covenants limit residents to no more than two (2) dogs, and no more than two (2) cats otherwise approved by the Board.