Note from the HOA Board



Thanks to all Homeowners who Participated in the Spring Cleanup!

The Trails HOAMuch was accomplished and the open space looks great! As a follow-up and for your information, the Board has hired a contractor to take out 4 large dead trees along the creek and to chip the 2 large piles next to the east and west bridges. The work should be completed by the 2nd or 3rd weeks of June.As most of you know, our neighborhood privileged to own 27 acres of open space (see map below). While some Trails residents elect to maintain the open space behind their property, all 27 acres is available for enjoyment of The Trails residents.

We Want Your Suggestions for Improvements to the HOA

The board has been asked by several residents to come up with ideas to improve the look of our 2 entrances. The board will be reviewing suggestions over the next couple months. We welcome all your ideas and suggestions to improve our neighborhood appearance. Also, please feel free to join our discussion at our monthly meeting.[/vc_column_text][vc_message message_box_color="alert-success"]

Visit the Improvements Suggestions page to submit your ideas!

[/vc_message][vc_column_text]Finally, it’s wonderful to see youngsters out playing in the neighborhood as summer gets under way. Please watch your speed and be mindful to slow down and share the streets with the kids.The Trails HOA Board[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text]

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August HOA Meeting


June HOA Meeting