Halloween Trick or Treating
Halloween is nearly here-and we would love to invite you to help us celebrate a spoooooky evening around our neighborhood.

Trails HOA Property Lighting Option
If you're interested in improving the lighting around your property, you might wish to check this solar light out. Myself and another HOA homeowner purchased and installed this light over the weekend.

Fall Dumpsters
Two dumpsters will be provided October 2-7. They will be in the same location as last year, on the east and west ends of West 58th Drive.

Teasel Weed Spraying
Teasel in The Trails HOA native areas are being sprayed September 4th. As a reminder, the HOA has on obligation to manage noxious weeds per the County.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction - Staging Update
Follow our Denver Water Pipeline Construction updates here.

Proposed High Density Development Plan for NTM
There is a proposal underway to rezone 26 acres at the base of North Table Mountain – located about a 1/2 mile west of The Trails – from single family residents to multi-family, high-density rentals. If approved, allowed dwellings would increase from 1 dwelling per ¼ acre to 8 dwellings per ¼ acre.
The rezoning proposal is not compatible with the Master Plan for North Table Mountain and undermines the unique character of our community. Please read the letter from The Trails HOA Board below and visit the No Rezone NTM website for more information.
Zone Change Request - Information & No Rezone Website
- The Trails HOA Board - Communication about NTM Rezone
- Avilla NTM Development - 58th Blanca Flyer
- No Rezone NTM - Informational Website
Proposed Avilla Development Information

Tree Trimmings
Dispose of Tree Trimmings by July 13th!
The Trails HOA has two locations for homeowners to dispose of their tree trimmings. The deadline to dispose your trimmings is Monday, July 13th.
Tree trimming chipping piles are available in the following two locations:
– NW corner of the Virgil Court bridge
– Open space at the corner of W. 58th Dr. & Windy St.

2020 Annual Spring Clean Up
Formal Spring Cleanup Cancelled
The organized spring cleanup is cancelled, however residents are encouraged to continue to police trash around their homes and if you see trash in the open space. We hope to reschedule an organized cleanup in the Fall if permitted.
Dumpsters Provided May 15 - 19
Two dumpsters will be provided May 15-19.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction Schedule - March-May
Denver Water Pipeline - May 29 Construction Update
The new on-site Project Manager has communicated that they are continuing to work on the dirt piles, hoping to have most of it removed so crews can start cleaning up by the first week in June.
The on-site Project Manager stated his priority is to move out of the Trails HOA space as quickly as possible. Reclaiming will begin after the first week in June, so crews will still be visible and in our space.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction - March 2020 Update
March Update on Denver Water Project
There will be construction equipment working around the pump house off 60th that will spill over to our HOA open space. The ground will be regraded and seeded upon completion.
This part of the project is scheduled in the next 2 weeks.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction - February 2020 Update
February Update on Denver Water Project
There will be construction equipment working around the pump house off 60th in the next 2 weeks. Staging of equipment should remain on Denver Water property.
The current schedule is for the pipe to be laid in Trails open space by July, 2020 due to several schedule delays.

WM Holiday Schedule
Christmas and New Year’s Day Delay(s)
- During a holiday week, trash and recycle service will be delayed by one day for all collection days that fall on or after the holiday. Normal schedule will resume the following week..
- Christmas Day and New Year’s Day both fall on a Wednesday. There will be a one-day delay during the Christmas and New Year’s weeks for all HOA’s normally collected on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. All HOA’s that are collected Monday and Tuesday will be collected as normal.
- Waste Management Observes the following holidays. New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.

Waste Management Trash Pick-up Cancelled for November 27th
WM Trash Pick-up - Cancelled for Nov. 27th
Due to the Tuesday, Nov. 26th snow, Waste Management has cancelled this week's trash and recycle pick-up. The next trash pick-up will occur Dec. 4th and recycle pick-up on Dec. 11th. Please see the message below from Waste Management. NOTE: Waste Management will accept additional bags at no charge for both the regular and recycle trash.

Staying Safe - Recommendations from Jefferson County Sheriff
Several mail boxes were broken into in September, 2019 and were reported to the Jefferson County Sheriff. Following is a summary of the sheriff's recommendations and smart phone apps for consideration by Trails residents.

WM Trash Pick-up Details
WM Trash Pick-up - Scope of Work
- Trash: Wednesday Weekly
- Recycle: Wednesday Every-Other-Week Recycle (GOLD weeks on recycle calendar).
- Additional HOA trash pick-up information: Recycle & Trash Pickup
Includes (1) 96 Gallon Trash cart & (1) 64 or 96 Gallon Recycle cart to each household. All items to be in the carts for service and to be curbside from 7am to 6pm on service day.

2019 Fall Dumpsters
Dumpsters Available September 13th - 18th!
Although there is no scheduled HOA fall clean-up this year, dumpsters will be provided for The Trails Homeowners to dispose of their trash items. Dumpsters will be available Friday, September 13th through Wednesday, September 18th.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction - September Update
September Update on Denver Water Project
The project manager confirmed that The Trails section of the project is still on a December/ January time line.
- Work is on-going and continue around the pump station on Denver Water property.
- In October there "may" be staging of pipe in addition to removing of top soil in The Trails open space.
- The project manager will contact us in the event of any planned activity on our property.
- Lucas Menebroker has been invited to the November meeting to update us on The Trails/Denver Water project and answer our questions.

Little Free Library - Trails HOA
Stop By and Exchange a Book
The Trails HOA homeowners have built a Little free Library on the island at the corner of Virgil Ct and 58th Place.

HOA Annual Picnic
Save the Date!
The Trails HOA is sponsoring an Annual Picnic for all homeowners to enjoy. This year's picnic will be held Saturday, August 24th, 5:30-7:30 pm at the corner of Windy and West 58th Drive, near the bridge and the open area to the east side. A fun Jumping Castle will be provided for the children.
Annual Picnic Date & Location
- Date/Time: Saturday, Aug. 24th, 5:30-7:30 pm (rainout date: Sep. 7th)
- Location: Corner of Windy & West 58th Dr.