Denver Water Pipeline Construction - Staging Update
Follow our Denver Water Pipeline Construction updates here.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction Schedule - March-May
Denver Water Pipeline - May 29 Construction Update
The new on-site Project Manager has communicated that they are continuing to work on the dirt piles, hoping to have most of it removed so crews can start cleaning up by the first week in June.
The on-site Project Manager stated his priority is to move out of the Trails HOA space as quickly as possible. Reclaiming will begin after the first week in June, so crews will still be visible and in our space.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction - March 2020 Update
March Update on Denver Water Project
There will be construction equipment working around the pump house off 60th that will spill over to our HOA open space. The ground will be regraded and seeded upon completion.
This part of the project is scheduled in the next 2 weeks.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction - February 2020 Update
February Update on Denver Water Project
There will be construction equipment working around the pump house off 60th in the next 2 weeks. Staging of equipment should remain on Denver Water property.
The current schedule is for the pipe to be laid in Trails open space by July, 2020 due to several schedule delays.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction - September Update
September Update on Denver Water Project
The project manager confirmed that The Trails section of the project is still on a December/ January time line.
- Work is on-going and continue around the pump station on Denver Water property.
- In October there "may" be staging of pipe in addition to removing of top soil in The Trails open space.
- The project manager will contact us in the event of any planned activity on our property.
- Lucas Menebroker has been invited to the November meeting to update us on The Trails/Denver Water project and answer our questions.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction - Update
Update on Denver Water Project
The Trails HOA Board met the Contractor Neighborhood representative and the Denver water representative to discuss construction involving The Trails HOA land.
- The time frame for The Trails HOA construction is currently set for Dec. 2019 - January 2020.
- It was agreed that staging of construction materials will be moved as far away from our houses in the very SE corner of our property off Easley and South of the creek.
- Further updates in late 2019
Click the button below to view a PDF of the details for the staging area.

Denver Water Pipeline Construction - 60th Avenue
60th Avenue Construction Details
As many of you have noticed, Denver Water's North Water System Renewal pipeline project is at 60th Avenue.
Click the button below to view a PDF of the details for the 60th Avenue construction.