February HOA Meeting: Come choose our new members!

You won’t want to miss our February HOA Board meeting. On the agenda: fence repair, tree maintenance, and selecting our new board members.

Date: Wednesday, February 17
When: 7:30 pm
Where: Zoom Meeting

How to Join:
If you would like to join the HOA Zoom meeting and/or have an item you would like to add to the agenda, please fill out the online Contact Form by Monday, February 15 and we will send you the link to the Zoom meeting.

On the Agenda:
As we have all noticed, the split rail fence surrounding the property is beginning require fairly substantial work to maintain.  In addition to electing board members,  we would like to obtain some input from homeowners on what the next best steps are.  Should we look to replace the fence with something new – maybe even a new design – or just try and continue repairing the existing fence?


NTM Rezone Update