NTM Rezone Update

We have some new developments and updates on the NTM property that Avilla held their meeting about last summer. A few of us had a meeting with a new potential developer last weekend and the meeting minutes prepared by one of our neighbors is below. Please read through to familiarize yourself with what we now know and understand: that this is separate from the lower acreage that is owned by Lombardi but was included in Avilla’s plan last summer.

We’ve also included the post from Charlie Williams (property owner) that he posted on Nextdoor regarding the property development.

We hope this gives you all a sufficient update.

The Jeffco Comprehensive Master Plan is also attached – please familiarize yourself with the key points that can help inform your concerns with the rezone request.

Charlie Williams’ public statement:

Dear Neighbors,

My name is Charles Williams. My wife and I are the owners of the land off of 58th Court that will be discussed at the community meeting on February 10th, 2021. We are writing this letter so that you, our neighbors, can form an opinion about the development based on facts rather than rumor. My wife and I have lived in the Arvada/Golden area since 1986 and have owned the property for over 20 years. When we purchased the property, it was not only to build a home for our family, but also to invest in our retirement. While we understand and sympathize with the longing to keep Colorado as it has been, we recently retired, and the time has come for us to sell the investment part of the land. My wife and I plan to continue living on the southern 16 acres of the land with our horses, daughter, and grandchildren.

For five years, we have searched for a developer who would develop this land responsibly. We have received multiple offers for the property, and have chosen to team with a local builder who also lives in our neighborhood. This proposal has significantly fewer houses than any other, has the least impact to neighbors, and limits future high density development.

Responses to concerns brought up in past community meetings.

• Housing Density: Rezoning is for 30 acres- The community Plan calls for 4 dwellings per acre or 120 homes. We are proposing only 33 homes or 1.1 dwelling per acre, 30 of which will be located on the north 14 acres and three (two additional) will be located on the south (highest) 16 acres. This will help minimize visual impact. The plan is to have larger lots on the exterior of the development, with higher density of houses on the interior in order to minimize impact to our existing neighbors.

• Access: The 30 houses will access from 58th Ave. Only emergency access with a locked gate will be allowed from the northern 30 houses to 53rd Drive. The emergency access will provide a much-needed emergency escape for all of 53rd Drive. Unless required by the county, no access is planned to/from 58th Court.

• Water: The proposal requires a contribution to NTM Water Company for the construction of a new high-pressure water line from El Diente along 58th Ave, to ultimately connect to the water line on 53rd drive.

Development of this land is inevitable; it is our goal to do so as respectfully and responsibly as possible. We welcome the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Please contact me personally at williamscs0054@gmail.com.

Charles Williams

Meeting Notes:

The Developer/Contractor (Skyline Construction / Justin Javernick) held a meeting this afternoon regarding the Williams Property Rezone/Development. Mr. Javernick requested only one representative from each of the surrounding neighborhoods attend the meeting. So here is a quick recap of what we learned.

Please see the attached map to help orient yourself to the points below:

  • Mr. Williams owns 2 (identified in the map as #1 and #2 in red hatching) roughly 15 acres parcels (+/- 30 Acres total). He is seeking a rezone from agricultural land and receive Development Plan approval to allow for 33 dwelling units (DU) on his land.

  • Mr. Williams is keeping the #1 property for his family and sub dividing out the #1 area 15 acre parcel into 3 parcels. Approximate configuration of roughly one 11 acre, and 2 2 acre parcels. The 2 acre parcels are for his daughters and will have access from 53rd as shown roughly on the map.

  • The remaining 30 dwelling units will happen on the Williams property marked as #2. Parcels will range from ¼ acre to ½ acre lots. These lots will be accessed from 58th as roughly shown by the dashed line to the north.

  • The Avilla group is solicting Mr. Williams to buy all of his 30 acres, scrape the existing structures and build high density however, Mr. Williams is currently working with Skyline Construction on the 33 DUs.


  • The Williams Development and Lombardi Development will have to work together to put a new road tying into 58th. Timing is unknown.

  • Williams Development is not currently planning any access into 58th Court. Emergency access will be to the south into Williams property #1 at 53rd. JeffCo and or Fairmount Fire may require additional emergency access from 58th Court during the planning process.

    Anticipated Homes in Williams Development

  • Mr. Williams owns 2 (identified in the map as #1 and #2 in red hatching) roughly 15 acres parcels (+/- 30 Acres total). He is seeking a rezone from agricultural land and receive Development Plan approval to allow for 33 dwelling units (DU) on his land.

  • Mr. Williams is keeping the #1 property for his family and sub dividing out the #1 area 15 acre parcel into 3 parcels. Approximate configuration of roughly one 11 acre, and 2 2 acre parcels. The 2 acre parcels are for his daughters and will have access from 53rd as shown roughly on the map.

  • The remaining 30 dwelling units will happen on the Williams property marked as #2. Parcels will range from ¼ acre to ½ acre lots. These lots will be accessed from 58th as roughly shown by the dashed line to the north.

  • The Avilla group is solicting Mr. Williams to buy all of his 30 acres, scrape the existing structures and build high density however, Mr. Williams is currently working with Skyline Construction on the 33 DUs.

    Lombardi Development

  • The Lombardi Development is NOT part of this Rezone request. Another similar process for the Lombardi property will likely be taking place soon.

  • According to the Williams Developer, the Lombardi folks are working with an “Avilla” type high density developer to develop the Lombardi property (Green Hatching).

  • Timing is TBD but the Williams Developer is only financially responsible to help with the bridge across the Ramsetter Creek/Van Bibber Tributary and the public road to access property #2 (north dashed line).


  • Drainage – I discussed potential drainage concerns regarding a detention/retention pond in the NW corner of property #2 and the potential impacts it could have on our Subdivision. I also included a few mitigation measures they could implement to ease downstream issues.

  • Utilities – The Williams developer did not have many details on where the utilities (Dry or Wet) would be located other than the new waterline which will run along the Lombardi southern property line and tie in at 53rd and the Water Tank.

  • Environmental, Slope Stability/Geotechnical, Traffic, Drainage and other studies regarding developing this property were underway but he had no details to share with the group at this time. He did mention that the Williams development may fall under the minimum amount of anticipated traffic warranting a traffic study according to JeffCo regulations meaning there may be no traffic study for this development.

  • The surrounding neighborhoods were adamantly against this and apparently any development happening in this area and will continue to fight against development.

Helpful Resources:

  • Meeting Agenda

  • Rezone Map

  • JeffCo Development Plan


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