January 2022 Meeting Minutes

Date: January 19, 2022

Attendees: Matt Marino, Keith Turgeon, Cindi Post, Julia Renn, Wendy Otavsky

Previous Meeting Minutes: Approved unanimously by board members

Old Business:

Fence Repairs

The price of lumber crept back up so we’re pausing on repairs, but continuing to monitor because we acknowledge that they really need to be repaired.

Entrance updates

Keith talked to Don Ackerman about entrance lighting. He gave some suggestions ranging in price from $1500-$3000.  Don is putting together a plan to propose.

Website Updates

  • Cindi will get in touch with Brenda to try to transfer domain to the new site.

  • Julia is posting a 2021 summary of meeting notes + links to the minutes

  • Would like to launch an updated website + new email client to try to keep homeowners up-to-date and give more opportunities for connection

RV storage

We have received complaints about RVs being parked in the street and violating covenants. Discussed enforcement of RV provision. Will be contacting folks individually and Cindi will follow up to determine appropriate actions.

New Business:

2021 Budget

Received actuals - came in $3000 under budget. The only line item where we ran over was treating the pine trees for the moth infestation and spraying and mowing teasel

2022 Budget

  • 10% dues increase

  • Professional fees will now include payment for attorneys

  • We increased the amount allocated for trash based on estimated service increases

  • For fencing, we could do the replacement along 60th this year with our surplus - we will move $25K into a budget line item for 2022 and will consider a special assessment in 2023 to complete fence repairs in a timely manner.

  • $63K expenditure in 2022: Motion to approve moved and seconded

2022 Members

  • Last year’s members are happy to stick around:

  • Matt Marino: President

  • Keith Turgeon: Vice President

  • Cindi Post: Treasurer

  • Julia Renn: Secretary & Website

  • Wendy: At Large

  • Bob Mallow: TBD

Relinquishing Easement Discussion

  • Board is opposed to relinquishing any easements

  • IF we were going to consider it, we would need to put it to a vote with homeowners and involve some financial compensation.

  • Matt will communicate this back to the homeowner.


May 2022 Meeting Minutes


2021 December Meeting Minutes