2021 August Meeting Minutes


Bob Mallow, Matt Marino, Keith Turgeon, Julia Renn, Cindi Post

Minutes Approval

  1. Julia & Keith read the July meeting minutes to the entire group.

  2. A motion and second were made to approve the minutes.

  3. A vote was taken and the minutes were approved.


  1. Combine landscaping items into a single line in the budget

    • all board members agree

  2. Raising the rates 10% in 2022

    • By raising from $380 to $418 we will be able to build a fund to pay for long-standing maintenance needs like fence repair.

    • All board members agree

New Business

Annual Picnic Prep

  • Keith ordered the tables, chairs, bouncy castle, and canopies

  • Keith is calling the fire department

  • Shupes: non-boozy cooler

  • Cindi: lemonade

Fencing Pricing

There were several fence replacement options discussed:

  • If we replace each 10’ section in our current style: $65/10’ ($27K for materials) + 115% materials = $65K

  • 2 hole is $45/10’ section = $48K

  • (The values above are using the estimate of 4180 linear feet: 418 panels for exterior fence)

  • To just do 60th in the current style it would be about $28K

Fixing the Fence in 2022

  • We would like to replace the stretch of fence 60th in 2022

  • Completing this portion would constitute 40% of the total replacement job

  • It will cost ~$28K, or $277/household, which we can pay for out of reserves

  • This maintenance has been deferred for quite awhile, and we want to fix it proactively in order to avoid getting a letter from the county mandating that we fix it

  • unanimously approved

  • Matt is going to get us official bids

  • For the houses on the corner of 60th and Easley that share the fence but are not officially part of the HOA: Matt and Bob will let residents know that we are replacing the fence up until it reaches their house and let them know they are welcome to get on board if they pay for the repair for the segments in front of their house


  • The board proposed and approved spending $5000 to re-landscape the neighborhood entrances and add lights

  • We are proposing using solar lights, which Don Ackerman could install

  • Unanimously approved

Michele Doucette garage doors

  • Michele requested approval to upgrade her garage doors. She has received signoff from her neighbors.

  • Unanimously approved

Fall Dumpsters

We will get trash dumpsters and will investigate getting one for recycling this fall. The weekend we would like them is September 24. Date will be confirmed next meeting.

Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting: September 15, at Bob Mallow’s

Meeting Adjourned


2021 December Meeting Minutes


April 21, 2021