May 8, 2024-Meeting Minutes


Terry H, President - Casey L, Vice-President - Cindi P, Treasurer - Vacant,  At Large - Ken M, John A, Peggy S, Ed S, Rick K, Heidi K, Terry G

New Business:

- Minutes of April 10, 2024 approved
- Proposal on 5981 Virgil Court with approved signatures - approved
- Proposal on 17531 W. 59th Avenue with approved signature - approved
- Next meeting June 5, at 17495 W. 58th Place - discussion on HOA Picnic, Fall Clean-up and schedule dates for meetings throughout the end of the year.
- Discussed Clean-up Day on 5-4-2024- A Big THANK YOU to all whom volunteered on May 4, 2024 for our Spring Clean-up!! We had a great turnout- approximately 23 homes came out to volunteer and a lot was accomplished.  Fencing on the East and West side were repaired, the two entrances got cleaned up and trimmed, the islands were mowed and clean up around the creek was accomplished.  There were also homeowners who cleaned up around their own property as well!
- Gravel for the 2 trails and entrances will be put down and the two piles of branches, limbs, etc will be mulched in in the near future.
- Updated Budget was received from Cindi and Terry will request additional information from Cindi.
- Bid from Sky High to clean out the creek was received and discussed briefly - still waiting on other bids and this conversation will continue at the next meeting to address all of the options.
- Terese Manley is the new webmaster; Thanks to Julia as the past webmaster.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm

Old Business: 

- Continued discussion re: 17759 W 59th Place - an attempt to call the contact Joelle was made and playing phone tag - Board Member will follow up after this meeting.
- Continued discussion re; homeowner whose front yard is still not landscaped after taking out grass, Terry will go talk to him again and discuss follow through.
- E-mail for Board and additional access to website - should be completed in the near future.


June 12, 2024-Meeting Minutes


April 10, 2024-Meeting Minutes