June 12, 2024-Meeting Minutes


Terry H, Ken M, Terese M, Peggy S, Ed S, Rick K Heidi K, Megan S, Barb P, Paul O, Pavel O and Kim T.

Unfortunately,  we did not have a quorum so we were limited as to what could be accomplished.

 New Business:

-The renovation plans for 17921 W. 59th Avenue were reviewed and approved as it had the proper approval signatures from neighbors and Board Member whom was not at the meeting had approved this via e-mail, the remaining Board members at the meeting approved and seconded. Terry will advise home-owners that the Board approved their proposal.

-Fire Mitigation Letter: This request from homeowner was denied by quorum vote, 3 at the meeting, one via e-mail.  Terry will advise homeowner of the decision.

 -The minutes of May 8, 2024 were read but unable to approve.

 -HOA Picnic:  planned for August 24th from 4-7pm (Back-up date is September 7th). The Budget was discussed, Terry will compose a check-list of tasks for Board Members to volunteer for. A flyer will be created to outline the date, time, place and what the Board will provide vs what neighbors can bring. Cindy will make copies and Board Members will distribute flyers around the 3rd week of July.  The entrance signs will be updated as well as the website!

 -Upcoming Meetings: Discussed that they will take place monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, unless changed to less often if needed.

-Next 2 meetings will be July 10 and August 14 and website will be updated with addresses asap.

 -Gravel for the two trails and entrances will be ordered and taken care of when Ken & Casey's schedules permit.

 -Updated Budget from Cindy was provided but the Board still has some questions re: some further breakdown. This will be clarified.

 -Issue of large, dead branches in Track 12 were discussed and Terry advised he will go over and discuss with concerned neighbors and determine the proper course of action

 -Altitude Law: Terry will call them to advise the Board will not be utilizing their services.

Meeting adjourned at ~8:20 pm

Old Business: 

-Bids to clean the Creek will continue to be discussed and more bids may be needed.

-Update from Casey re: Website and Board e-mail will be forthcoming. In the meantime, Terese put her e-mail on the website for any neighbor to e-mail their complaint, concern, etc. until the “Get in Touch” Button issue is resolved. Any communication she receives will be forwarded to the Board.

-17767 W. 59th Place - New contact received and Peggy will contact them. Terry will put a note on the front door to contact the HOA if state/person in charge shows up to the house.

-Terry did talk to Homeowner with front yard that still is not landscaped; he will try again to meet with him to find out status.


July 10, 2024-Meeting Minutes


May 8, 2024-Meeting Minutes