Sept 24, 2024-Meeting Minutes
When: Sept 24, 7:00 PM
Where: 17709 W. 58th Drive - and - Zoom
Megan S, Cindi P, Polly A, Rick K, Heidi K, Casey L, Terry H, Peg S, Ken M, Geoffrey P, Ginger P
New Business:
-Approved meeting minutes from 9/11/24.
-Board addressed John A’s inappropriate conduct that was aggressive, and disrespectful towards Peg and Terry. This behavior was deconstructive and dysfunctional. It was noted that the board's intent is to bring neighbors together and contentious behavior such as John’s is in direct conflict with that intent. Peg addressed those present and shared that she hadn’t felt at ease as a result and was quite hurt and angry as a result. Cindi mentioned that John’s argumentative and bullish behavior is why she doesn’t typically come to meetings and mentioned that it’s been that way for many years.
-Teasel Plan:
Terry researched the best approach to managing teasel weeds in our neighborhoods open space, and offered a self-management plan that would involve walking the open space tracts and spray in the Fall and Spring. This plan would cost several hundred dollars per year vs. the over $5k we have been paying to subcontract this to Weed Wranglers.
Timing consistent with Fall cleanup.
Polly suggesting mechanically removing the rosettes.
Terry suggested spot, backpack spraying.
Casey motioned to vote for self-management of weeds: Other votes yes for self-management of weeds: Ken, Terry, Peg, Cindi
-Flood Management:
2005 report suggests clearing brush, grass and small growth around No Name creek at both bridges, but primarily above the Virgil bridge.
Terry suggested self-management by clearing most of this on our own.
Peg and Ed had gathered several quotes to remove this brush and had been quoted several different prices.
Casey motioned to rent a brush hog and hack as much down brush as we can. Ken seconded. Votes yes; Casey, Ken, Peg, Terry, Cindi.
Ken and Casey recommended that we update the engineering report in order to evaluate what further action is appropriate to maintain the creek.
-Geoff proposed landscape plant for his property at 17852 W 59th; zero-scape plan presented with neighbors' approval. Board motion to approve.
-Rick and Heidi requested that the board take action to hold neighbors accountable to the lack of landscaping at 17778 W 59th Pl. Proposal was submitted 7/10/24. No action has been taken to improve the yard. It was requested that the board approach the homeowner about what action needs to occur.