Dec 11, 2024-Meeting Minutes

When: Dec 11, 7:00 PM

Where: 17709 W. 58th Drive - and - Zoom


Terry H, Casey L, Peggy & Ed S, Paul & Wendy O, Rick & Heidi K & Steve D

Via Zoom: Ken M and Pam O

New Business:
-Due to issues beyond our control, the meeting minutes of 9-24-2024 were not approved so this will occur at the Annual Meeting as outlined below.

-2025 Annual Meeting Date, Time & Location: Saturday, January 4, 2025 @9:00 am at 17709 West 58th Drive. We ask for your attendance as new Board Members will be voted in as new Board Members are needed!

-Re-cap of progress of Creek Clean-up and initial cleaning west of Virgil Street Bridge.

The Board laid out the initial work done recently by cleaning out a path for water to flow through the creek on the west side of the Virgil Bridge based on 2005 Engineering Report that surfaced this year and given the many years of growth within the creek, the Board has attempted to start mitigation of same.  3 separate bids from 2 companies were received, that ranged from $8500.00 to $20,000.00 up to $80,000.00 (this bid was to clear east and west of Virgil Bridge). Given our budget constraints and details of what those bids would do, none of these were implemented. Instead equipment was rented and volunteers worked on the west side of Virgil Bridge as the report indicated this was the initial priority. Unfortunately, the equipment broke after 4 hours so we could not finish that day. Terry & Paul went back and raked up debris and cleaned out more, then the Board hired a contractor and he cleared more brush and limbs directly west of the bridge & hauled it away. A homeowner directly affected by the look of the clearing was upset with this so there was a long discussion of what the Board did and why, and the homeowners input that he had not been informed of the date and work that was going to be done. He agreed that the willows needed to be cut back but thought the job was 80% done and right now the area looked bad but realized in the spring it would green back up. It was his opinion that the actual channel of the creek needed to be dug out, but the Board advised that we are not allowed to dig a channel nor alter the flow of water in No Name Creek. Further discussion re: what could be done to assist the homeowner to keep the water from rising out of the creek bed and possibly affecting his house. The Board understands that we need to communicate better with homeowners directly affected when creek clearing is done and their input is appreciated. This was just the initial clearing and much more needs to be done on the east side as well, in addition to the entire creek being addressed.

This issue will be a continuing agenda item for the Trails Homeowners Association - we have 94 homes in the Trails with approximately 19 homes next to the creek. While these 19 homes may have a higher exposure of water getting in, it will affect all 94 homes so it is all of the homeowners responsibility to work together to begin the mitigation of clearing a path of limbs, branches, etc. for water to flow out and away from our homes.

-Continued Discussion on the possibility of getting updated Engineering report as difference of opinions of Board members re: cost vs benefit - Terry advised HMD Consulting is no longer in business - if a new report is going to be requested from another company, a written bid will be requested and the new Board will address.

-Raising the Dues:  Motion was made to raise the HOA Dues by 10% for 2025 - that Motion was Seconded and Voted on and all Board Members approved.  Cindi the Treasurer was advised and will be sending out notice to all homeowners.

-A flyer will be created and distributed by Board Members to all homeowners to please attend the Annual Meeting. 

-Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 pm


Jan 4, 2025-Annual Meeting Minutes


Sept 24, 2024-Meeting Minutes