Jan 4, 2025-Annual Meeting Minutes

When: January 4th @9:00 AM

Where: 17709 W. 58th Drive - and - Zoom


Terry & Martha H, Peg & Ed S, Cindi P, Rick & Heidi K, Megan S, John C, Sue G, Binny & Dave H, Steve D, Paul & Wendy O, Terese M, Dru D, Victoria F, Nancy F &  Alice G.

Via Zoom:  Pamela O & Cory T

New Business:
-Meeting Called to Order @9:05 am

-Meeting Minutes of December 11, 2024 were read and Motion to approve - Motion Seconded

-Re-Cap of what was accomplished in 2024 - Improved website and response time to issues sent in, Improved Communication with Homeowners via website, Signs at Front Entrances, and Flyers handed out by HOA Board Members.  We had a great turn-out for Spring Clean-up and the Annual Picnic. The Board began Mitigation of the Creek on the West side of the Virgil Bridge but more needs to be done on a continuing basis every year along the entire creek.

-Terry purchased two sprayers for the weeds and saved $ versus paying Weed Wranglers.  He and his wife spent hours spraying the entire creek (and it was verified with the County prior to the spraying that this mixture was safe do so.) However, this spraying will have to be continued twice a year to mitigate the growth of Teasel, Hemlock, etc.

- Dru D volunteered to give the new Board a resource (with photos) of identifying hemlock and thistle.
(Resource: Jefferson County Identification and Control of Noxious Weeds, https://www.jeffco.us/2007/Noxious-Weed-Identification#, Hemlock is listed under Poison Hemlock and there are several types of Thistle.)

-Discussion on whom will stay on the Board. Terry H will stay on for a transitional time period pending the sale of his home. Pamela O will continue. Casey L confirmed by phone that he will continue. Ken M and Peggy S have served their year and will not be returning in 2025.

-Discussion on whom would like to volunteer to be on the New HOA Board: Terry H, Steve D, Sue G, Pamela O, Victoria F, Possibly Cory or Keith T, Casey L.

-E-mails of 3 new members were received and forwarded to Terry H

-Date of Next Meeting:  Wednesday, February 12 @7:00 pm - Location 17649 W. 58th Drive

-Budget: Cindi P will continue as the HOA Treasurer and she provided the Budget as of 12-31-2024. NOTE: Dues are increasing for 2025 by 10% and notice/bill will be sent to all homeowners by Cindi P in the near future.

-Meeting Adjourned @10:00 am


Feb 12, 2025 - Meeting Minutes


Dec 11, 2024-Meeting Minutes