January 20, 2024: Meeting Minutes


Board: President, Treasurer, VP, Secretary - Zoom

At Large: Terry, John, Wendy, Ken, Pam - Zoom

Homeowners: Suzanne G, Dru D, Casey L, Paul O, Wendy O, Ed S, John A, Alice G, Joe G, Larry S, Susan S, Ken P, Rick R, Heidi R, Megan S

Old Business

Review/approval of previous minutes

Public Comment

Dru – Are public questions allowed during budget review - Yes

2023 Budget Review

Cindi outlines items

Wendy proposes approval, Julia 2nd

2024 Budget Review

Is landscaping dollar amount sufficient for weed spraying?

Keep budget similar leave to future board member to reallocate.

John: Motion to adjust budget to increase $2,000 to the professional fees website to cover

update of covenant legal language. Ken 2nd.

New Business

  • Adjacent property request removal of easements.

    • Not a reasonable offer to propose to the homeowners. Historically a monetary offer has been presented for any easement adjustment.

    • New board will need to negotiate with adjacent homeowner.

Next board meeting

February 21st Ken Manley’s house 7pm

We have a facebook page!


February 21, 2024: Meeting Minutes


December 13, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes