May 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes


Matt Marino, Terry & Martha Hackbart, Wendy Otavsky, John Andrews, Ken Manley, Julia Renn, Keith Turgeon, Chris Gerow, Pam O’Connor

March meeting recap:

AT&T tower: research more

Weed mitigation: is scheduled and should happen soon

Open Space mowing: Cindi reaching out to Chris Peterson and son to see if they want to do it again

Fence: project is finished

Budget: Revised and sent back to Cindi to review

Creek drainage work day: Date TBD

Approved contractor (Lou) to do tree trimming at the bridge

Public comment

Spring Cleanup: June 3-4

Removing the no dumping signs now (Keith will do this) and allow dumping now - June 4. 

Terry reaching out to Lou to shred the branches

Dumpsters from June 2-7 the weekend of the cleanup.


Some of the posts aren’t driven far enough into the ground. Terry and Keith are going to tamp them down.

We will tackle fence replacement in pieces gradually instead of leveraging a special assessment

Cindi will send letter notifying homeowners that the interior fencing that abuts their property is their responsibility going forward.


Keith reached out to them and proposed alternate locations for the tower. We are waiting for them to get back to us about whether they want to proceed. 

Covenants Update

Waiting on revised engagement letter for attorney from Cindi. Matt will follow up with her

Fire mitigation

Ken Manley will take over this action item

2022-2023 budget

No updates

Teasel Mitigation

Weed wranglers is scheduled. They will let us know when they are coming out and we will notify homeowners

Completed pine tree spraying in common areas to prevent moth damage

New Business

Wildflower landscaping: Homeowner will get adjacent neighbor approval and HOA will give the OK

Warehouse at 60th & McIntyre

We will post info on website for individual homeowners to take action if they would like to


July, 2023 Meeting Minutes


2023 Annual Meeting Minutes