September 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes



Julia Renn

Keith Turgeon

Bob Mallow

Wendy Otavsky

Ken Manley


Tom & Cathy Elliott

Ed Schwagel

Approval of July Minutes


Old Business

Fence Quotes: Has Matt had a chance to get quotes for materials and labor? Wendy is going to call them and get a quote for materials + installation price

Attorney re: covenant updates:

  • Ken Manley has asked that the lawyer take a look at improving ambiguous language around improvements, specifically the process for getting approvals.

Cul de Sac Mowing: Matt, have you contracted with Scott Plumber to do this? Should we make sure this is done for spring?

New Business:

  • Home updates: form on the website for updates to house for people to print and get approvals. Space for person to list licensing or permitting that is needed by the county

  • Welcome packet on website & printed for new homeowners.

Summer Cleanup:

Email to collect final count of people who did cleanups and do drawing for gift card


Take down the old site and replace with a redirect page

Cleanup days:

  • Decide on dates in time for January mailer

  • Set up a table in Terry’s yard for people to coordinate volunteers

  • Set a date in early spring: May 6-7 and rain date is 20-21

  • Coordinate chipper and dumpster - weekend of the 20th

  • Have picnic on that day afterward

Fall Dumpsters:

6-11 of oct

  • Put on website

  • Emails

  • Put on chalk board at entrances for the week before

5890 Shed

Julia will email to board to approve asynchronously. Update: this has been approved

Ralph Jacobson passed away and his funeral is Friday. Terry will send me an announcement to post.

Next Meeting:

November 16 at Wendy’s house: 5914 Windy Ct

Adjourned at 8:30


December 7, 2022 Meeting Minutes


July 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes